Lola – The journey of an Adopted dog.
Aditya Kelshikar and family adopted Lola almost an year ago when her original family could not take care of her. The Kelshikar’s are what we call the Dog people or true HUMANs. They wanted to get a canine member to strengthen the family bond. Just after Lola came into their home, they got to know of the little hooman coming soon. Now, many would reconsider the decision to have a dog at this time. That too an adopted dog for the first time. Although Shreya Kelshikar got as sharp a nose as a canine while waiting for the baby to come, and could not stand the smell of a dog, she stuck to her decision like a family does. A tiny little sister was born for Lola and family soon enough. I have seen many who let go of their furry member at this point but not the Kelshikars. Shreya decided to go to Bangalore for a few days and it struck her that Lola would love a change of weather and greenery too. They got in touch with Pawsome to help them escort Lola from Mumbai to Bangalore. We are so happy to meet such good Human Beings who always stand by their family – furry or otherwise. Lola is one lucky girl and I am sure she will be a wonderful elder sibling to the little girl in years to come.
“All dogs must take a walk at the T2 terminal at Mumbai” – says Lola. (Pics: Lola befriending handsome Europeans while waiting for her flight. 2. Lola taking a look at the murals and statues at the airport. 3. Taking a nap at the airport.