One of the most appreciated customer reviews :

H’vovi Bhagwagar to Bombat Dawgz
We adopted Simba a year old golden retriever from a family in Bangalore. We had been on the lookout for a pet since two years and in March this year my friend Rachana Gopa Kumar who volunteers for a pet adoption agency in Bangalore said that a beautiful retriever was up for adoption. Getting Simba from Bangalore to Mumbai was turning expensive and despite rachana’s many efforts and awesome sourcing network nothing was working out.
Then, in rachana’s words a “doggy angel” Devyani appeared. Simba happily went to his new home from Bangalore to Mumbai by flight . Devyani Jadhav founder of pawsome hotels, collected all paperwork, did the bookings and kept us updated throughout. When we met Devyani at the airport with Simba she was one of the most amazing people….warm, considerate and Simba had attached to her in a few short hours. We were both touched and amazed at Devyani’s dedication towards pets and her cause. We highly recommend people connecting with her. She provides crates on rent, domestic travel and pet friendly hotels in India.