Some people and dogs we meet leave an impression on our lives. Alexandra Gade and Hatchi, her 11 yr old recued Indie are among them. One late evening, I got a call from AaIyer Urti Aarti to help Alexandra and Hatchi for their travel the next day from Kolkata to Chennai. We initially started the regular pricing and formalities for their travel. But when our Kolkata Pack Leader met them she was touched by the scene that met her eyes. Sandra’s house is complete with 8 rescues and lots more on the street that she takes care of along with her daughter. She is a busy working woman, but had taken time off to fly Hatchi to Chennai for the Cancer diagnosis that he was suffering from. We were tensed and for the first time in my life I was worried if flying would suit the fur ball at that age and complications. But they wanted to take the chance, if it could add life to Hatchi. A Pet loving family welcomed them into their home at Chennai and gave Hatchi the best room they had by moving their daughter in another room. Believe it or not, Hatchi was so graceful throughout the whole process and even got all the tests done without any fuss or displeasure. Unfortunately, his cancer had spread to almost all critical organs.

Sandra and her daughter decided to make the rest of Hatchi’s life the best experience there can be. They took him to the Beach and he ran wild there. He had a lot of out time and enjoyed his stay in Chennai. This touched us so much to see that a human spent so much time and effort and money on trying everything to save the fur buddy. We, at Pawsome salute Sandra and feel proud to have met her. All Sandra said was to PRAY for him to be happy in whatever time was left.

However, he crossed the Rainbow bridge soon after coming back from Chennai. He was with his human till the last breath. May his soul rest in peace.