The young lady Eshita Singh was living in Gurgaon and her parents – primary care taker of their Lab- Bruno were travelling to the North East and had put Bruno up for adoption. Eshita loved Bruno like a child but did not know what to do with him. She had the usual problems of an IT life; Long working hours, shared accommodation, no kennels nearby, new city, no information etc etc. Classic excuses that we see everyday on adoption posts. Obviously she got a bit trolled on the adoption post. But guess what?? Few of the folks on a FB group like Priya Chetty-Rajagopal took it upon themselves to explain to her gently how bad the poor fur baby would feel and there is help available. After a couple of talks with Eshita, we realised that behind that soft voice there is a strong heart. It did not take long for her to understand that there is that one moment in life which everyone faces in which the choices you make DEFINE the PERSON you are. And Eshita proved to be true Human that there can be. With help from Pawsome, she found a temporary accommodation for Bruno in Gurgaon, rented the crate, found a house help in her absent hours to feed him. And Off she flew with her Bruno to Gurgaon. Today, they are both happy they took this choice to live together. This is one scenario where the adoption post failed and I am happy we worked for it to fail.
Here is Bruno at the Bangalore Airport. High Paw to both of you from team Pawsome.